Socrates Geens, Sacred Mirror
Socrates Geens, Sacred Mirror
Socrates Geens, Sacred Mirror
The Chakra Prayers
90 x 40 cm
3 times  110 x 40 cm (triptych)
Prayer of the courageous seeker

This triptych was executed with additional collage techniques, including sulfur, gold and ashes respectively.

Prayer of the courageous seeker

May the holy fire
reveal illusion and truth

May shine forth
that what is real

May cease to delude
that which is fictive

- be in tune with the earth and at home on our planet
- know they are invited to be part of existence
- find a secure and supportive abode



- feel in tune with their body and at home in their skin
- experience freedom of creative expression
- enjoy a fruitful exchange with their surrounding

- feel at home and in tune with themselves
- find and walk their path with courage and enthusiasm
- live in respect for themselves and others


- discover their spirit and connection with the sacred
- love and accept themselves as well as others
- live in forgiveness and compassion, and delight in sharing


- discover their original face and that which is real
- live in attunement with their inner truth
- find creative expressions to voice their spirit, inspiring others


- discover their sageness and connection to wisdom
- find clarity and become freed from any illusion of separation 
- live in attunement with the universal spirit


- discover their true nature and oneness with all there is
- be blessed by the light of grace
- find boundless freedom and all pervading peace



May all beings

May all beings

May all beings

May all beings

May all beings

May all beings

May all beings

The chakra prayers

© 2014 - 2023 Socrates Geens

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