Socrates Geens, Spinal energy vortex, detail
walking infinity without feet
no more distances to surmount
just reality remains

Socrates Geens, Sat - satchitananda
Socrates Geens, Chit - satchitananda

Sat is the first aspect of Satchitananda, describing the qualities of the Absolute as experienced by a liberated yogi. The Sanskrit word Sat means existing and discribes the really existant reality or true being.


seeing eternity without eyes
no more darkness to enlighten
just consciousness remains


Chit is the second aspect of Satchitananda, describing the qualities of the Absolute as experienced by a liberated yogi.
The Sanskrit word Chit means consciousness and discribes the true seeing sense.

Socrates Geens, Ananda - satchitananda
embracing existence without arms
no more tension to release
just bliss remains


Ananda is the third aspect of Satchitananda, describing the qualities of the Absolute as experienced by a liberated yogi.
The Sanskrit word Ananda means bliss.

Socrates Geens, Elephantride on a moonlit night
Socrates Geens, Elephantride on a moonlit night, detail

namaste, beloved elephant friend,
for carrying this earth born body of mine

namaste, beloved moon,
for calling forth this immortal soul of mine

A man on the back of an elephant rides through a moonlit night. In his surrender to the moon's energy he spirals up through the different bodies and embraces the mystical energy of the moon. The small text at the bottom honours Chandra, the Sanskrit name for the moon.

Elephant ride on a moonlit night

Socrates Geens, Secrets of the five bodies
Socrates Geens, Secrets of the five bodies, detail

Secrets of the five bodies

This painting shows the different bodies according to the Yoga system.
The first body, which we know as the physical body, is called Annamaya Kosha. The second body is the Pranamaya Kosha, the energy body or electrical part of our being. The third body is the Manumaya Kosha or mental body. The fourth body, the Vigyanamaya Kosha, can be described as the intuition body, where we experience direct wisdom, beyond conditioning and normal thought processes.  The fifth body, when developed, is called the Anandamaya Kosha, where a blissful state is experienced. On the painting, it is represented by the large magenta circle.
Even this state can be transcended, when we ultimately become one with Existence itself.

Socrates Geens, Spinal energy vortex

This painting depicts the twenty four main vertebrae of the human spine and their respective spiritual significance. The lines spiralling up connect the bottom, middle, and top series of vertebrae, indicating that all levels of the physical, emotional and mental aspects are connected harmoniously. At the bottom we see a coiled snake, representing what the yogis call the 'kundalini' energy. The energy vortex winding up terminates with the flower inside the golden sphere at the top of the painting.

the energy vortex between earth and heaven,
contains all mysteries of being alive

Spinal energy vortex

Socrates Geens, Suryakalanala yantra
Socrates Geens, Suryakalanala yantra, detail

Suryakalanala yantra

For this work largely composed with leaf gold, I was inspired by the traditional sun yantras, used in Indian astrology and vedic rituals. It symbolizes the power of the sun, divided in different aspects, according to ancient eastern cosmology.

50 x 70 cm
50 x 70 cm
50 x 70 cm
Elephant ride on a
moonlit night
100 x 40 cm
Secrets of the five bodies
115 x 90 cm
Spinal energy vortex
200 x 65 cm
Suryakalanala yantra
50 x 60 cm

© 2014 - 2023 Socrates Geens

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